Toonses(left) and Cleopatra (right)
Our naughty kitty a.k.a. "Toonses" escaped last Wednesday via a hole he pushed in the boys' bedroom screen.

We looked for him all weekend. Our endeavors included scouring the immediate neighorheed (which includes several large fields, apartment complexes and a cemetery), calling and visiting the animal shelter, posting missing kitty signs throughout the neighborhood, and scouring websites of found pets. On Sunday, the kids found Toonses hiding in the garage. He was very thirsty, but in good health. He was so excited to see the kids, but when he saw me (Mommy") he wasn't happy. I think he knew the gig was up. He's been on his best behaviour all day today. This might sound horrible, but I'm so glad we found him before we spent any money posting his picture in the newspaper. I have just one thing to say,"The little STINKER!" I'm so relieved he's home safe.
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