Sunday, July 03, 2005

Maybe I'm Too Harsh

"Heavenly Father is going to be mad at us if we don't go to CHURCH!" It's Sunday morning and I'm sitting at home with a screaming child while Mark is enjoying church. Nicholas threw tantrums all morning long as I bathed him and dressed him. He completely refused to eat until five minutes before we were supposed to be out the door. At which point, he threw a fit that he needed a cheddar cheese stick when we only had mozzarella. When Mark offered to let Nick help back out the car, Nick said "NO!" Mark went out to get the car and Nick started screaming that "I wanted to help Daddy back the car out!" He refused to get into the car, so I gave the ultimatum: "Daddy will go to church without us if you don't get into the car. This is your only chance." Nick screamed all the way to the car. On the way to church, he screamed that he wanted his hotdog. When we got to the chapel, he refused to get out of the car. I gave another ultimatum: "If you don't get out of your seat, we'll go home." Well, he didn't get out of his seat. So we're at home. Nick is limited to sitting in the bathroom, reading scriptures on the couch, or taking a nap in his bed. I feel really sad. It's so hard to punish him. But little boys who throw fits about church don't get to go to church. I really want church to be a reward for Nicholas instead of a punishment. I want him to love church. He is such a good boy. If anyone has any success with this topic, I'd be grateful for any tips.

I've struggled with Nicholas at church for a while now. He knows how much he can fight me. I just really feel like it shouldn't be a fight to go to church. I think it's an honor and a privilege to be able to worship God.

Nick just fell asleep in the bathroom. I hope he feels better when he wakes up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're doing a great job, Ash. It IS really hard to follow through sometimes because, ya know, consequences suck, right? But that's why we ultimately choose the better behavior. So good for you!

Plus, I wouldn't stress about the fact that he's obviously picked church as his power battle. It doesn't mean he doesn't like church, but that he's smart enough that he's pinpointed your strongest conviction to use as his testing ground. "I know Mom is really serious about going to church. Will she follow through on teaching me about consequences if I test her on something REALLY inconvenient?"

7:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, it's time for you to update your blog again. Ü


9:31 AM  

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