Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I'm Sick and Tired

Or is it Tired and Sick? Stiff neck, sore throat, achy body, no appetite, tired. So maybe the "no appetite" part is a plus, I haven't decided yet. I'm actually feeling a bit better today. I've been feeling really bad since Sunday night. I didn't realize you could catch the flu in July. Oh well. I really hope this doesn't hurt my marathon training. We're actually running the Provo 1/2 in a few weeks. I'm a little nervous. It's supposed to be a good indicator as to how well one would do on a full marathon. I would really like to qualify for the Boston Marathon. Maybe my goals are too lofty ... but it would be VERY cool.

Well, at least I've been able to curl up with my Harry Potter books without feeling guilty. I just finished four. I'm a little behind. Book six is sitting up on my shelf waiting. I'm excited. I'm saving it for my treat! I just need to finish book five. It's been so long since I've read them, that it's almost like reading a new book. I love it!

This year is my 10-year high school reunion. I haven't heard anything about it and the friends I've contacted don't either. I guess the people in charge must have dropped the ball.

This past week has been so busy. Mark has been setting up an IP phone network for one of his clients on the side. I haven't seen him much except for the times I'm helping him. It'll be nice when it's done. It's coming together really well. The phones sound really good. It will bring in some recurring revenue. If all goes well, we wouldn't need too many offices for the business to thrive. Not many people do IP phones yet, so it could be a really good niche to be in.

I have to (get to?) give a ten-minute talk in church for a combined Priesthood/Relief Society meeting on Sunday. I haven't talked in church the three years we've lived in our house. I think Mark has spoken three or four times. It's pretty funny. I better get writing!


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