Monday, June 06, 2005

Definition of a Zipper Bug

Zipper Bug
A while ago, Mark passed really loud gas underneath our blankets. Nicholas, who was enjoying his morning snuggle time, dove under the covers. "I just heard a zipper bug!" He exclaimed excitedly, "Where is it?" He never found it, but every now and then, we still hear from the mysterious "zipper bug".

Bear Ache
Nicholas gave me this definition while munching on some Teddy Grahms: "If you eat a lot of these crackers, you could get a head ache. It's called a bear-ache."

Tinkerbell and Zurg
Nicholas' favorite toy is a Tinkerbell keychain doll from Wendy's. She's missing a wing, but Nick doesn't mind. Nick always explains that Buzz Lightyear needs someone to save. Personally, I think Nick is "married" to Tinkerbell. Sometimes, he lets me in on his pretend games: "Mom, Satan gave Zurg powers so he can kill Tinkerbell." Tinkerbell always comes alive again after being buried in a tomb.


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