Nick has been so excited for his birthday party for two months. He specifically requested a "Spiderman birthday party". He wanted a spiderman cake. My mom decorates cakes and has a very yummy recipe for frosting that I love (very fattening). She came over Friday night before the party to help me with the frosting. Saturday, I spent all morning making the Spiderman cake. I showed it to Nick and he threw a tantrum:

"I don't like it!" He screamed.
"Well, what should we do with it?" I was curious about the answer because I
knew he was tired and probably liked the cake (he usually is very forgiving of my artwork- especially if sugar is involved).
"Give it to Isaac!"
"Okay, let's give it to Isaac."
I think he was hurt that I'd even consider giving his Spiderman cake away. It was pretty cute.

Nick and Samuel and little Nathan stayed up too late Friday night having a Lego sleepover party. The bottoms of my feet are still recovering from stepping on all the little pieces. I think they had a lot of fun.

Samuel was so funny when it was time for Nick to open presents. (Of course he told Nick weeks ago what his presents were because it was a secret.) I think he was actually more excited about the presents that Nick was. He was right there opening the presents with Nick. I think Nick enjoyed the attention.

When it was time for Nick to blow out the candles, he forgot to make a wish. I guess we have never really taught him make a wish before. He loves blowing out candles so much that his wish would probably be for someone to relight the candles! Happy Birthday Nick! We love you!